Providing High Risk Merchant Account Services and Offshore Merchant Account Solutions.

Adult Credit Card Processing

Adult Credit Card Processing/Adult Merchant

Adult credit card processing is a service provided by Offshore Merchants. Adult merchants may find the task of finding and being setup for a high risk merchant account difficult however it is very important to accept credit cards and debit cards if the business is to remain in business. Most banks find adult businesses as being high risk. The content is directed towards a legal age group which adds to the risk along with the increase of fraud compared to other industries. There are a number of accounts available to adult merchants. Adult credit card processing services are offered by both US domestic banks and offshore banks. It mainly depends on where the merchant is located to see what account will be appropriate however there are other deciding factors as well.

Adult credit card processing merchants located in the United States are able to obtain a high risk merchant account if their adult business is normal adult. Higher risk adult websites would include ones that are showing illegal acts or near illegal acts. These websites would need to go offshore. US banks and payment processors only are looking to process transactions for companies where there are no high risk acts being preformed. Underwriters will review the website(s) in depth and will require a non expiring username and password to make sure there are no illegal acts of acts that violate the payment processor’s terms of service.

Adult credit card processing merchants located outside of the United States will need to partner with an offshore payment processor. US payment processors and banks will not work with their account. Offshore payment processors usually have higher rates and fees however if the adult merchant is large the rates will not be higher and may actually be lower. Adult credit card processing rates and fees for offshore accounts can be very competitive depending on the merchant’s business. The offshore banks will require previous processing history and will make sure that the merchant will be processing a large amount of their volume through the account. There are sometimes provisions in the contract that the rate will increase if the volume is low or decreases.

Offshore Merchants has been setting up adult credit card processing accounts since 2007. They have access to both domestic and offshore adult credit card processing accounts.

Contact one of our helpful account representatives to assist you in the setup of a high risk merchant account or offshore merchant account for a high risk merchant.

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